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Understanding Creation & Evolution

In the Animals

 How did life begin, According to the textbooks, Incredible creatures


How did life begin:


Do birds have wings because they fly or do they fly because they have wings?  This almost non-sensical question seems to be the question at hand.  Do we have the parts we need because we need them or do we need the parts we have because we have them?  Why do birds fly?  Why do fish swim?  Were parts given to us or did we grow them?


According to science the earth’s early atmosphere was a volcanic one.  It would have looked quite different than it does today.  The atmosphere consisted of methane, ammonia, hydrogen and water.


Stanley Miller

Stanley Miller attempted to recreate this atmosphere and formation of life by passing sparks through these gases and trapped what was formed at the bottom and analyzed it.  What he found was organic material.  He concluded that life began in this organic soup and over time formed themselves into the first living organisms.  This atmosphere would have to exclude oxygen.  Stanley’s experiment proved to be a failure due to the improper production of amino acids.


This early earth atmosphere would have been a reducing atmosphere.  Evolution of molecules would have been impossible because the present atmosphere contains oxygen and oxygen would have destroyed everything as it developed with oxidization.  Correct amino acids could not have been produced, which is necessary for life.


Second Law of Thermodynamics

Says that all systems will eventually become totally random and disorganized.  It repudiates the possibility that either matter or life could evolve into greater complexity.  Everything runs down and wears out.

Albert Einstein declared that, of all the laws of physics, the two laws of thermodynamics would never be negated or replaced.  (The Evolution Handbook p. 101)


Proteins for life

250 proteins are required for minimal life to function.  The chances of these proteins coming together and forming that first life are 1 in a trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion.  (Dr. Doug Axe, Expelled)


Spontaneous Generation

This teaches that life come from non-living things.  Louis Pastuer disproved the theory of spontaneous generation in 1861 and came to the conclusion that life cannot arise from non-living materials.


Directed Panspermia Theory

This teaches that life was seeded on earth. Nobel prize winner Francis Crick came up with this theory.   In other words aliens put us here.  By the way, even if that is the case, that still proves intelligent design.  BUT who made the aliens?  Another theory is that life formed on the back of crystals.


Richard Dawkins

Q – How did life begin?

A – “I don’t know…Perhaps life was delivered to our planet by highly evolved aliens…if you look you can find evidence of some sort of a designer.”

In a quote from the documentary Expelled Richard Dawkins, a leading evolutionist confesses intelligen design.


Intelligent Design

Teaches that someone created us.  This idea is not allowed to be taught in schools in fact law suits and being made and people are losing jobs for promoting it.  This idea, science cannot consider because evolution still cannot explain the origin of life.

According to the textbooks


Ernest Haeckel

Ernest Haeckel, a follower of Darwin, believed that at the beginning of a new life, as the embryo grows, it passes through the various stages of its evolutionary history.  He called this idea the biogenetic law, and popularized it in 1866 with a series of pen and ink drawings which is still used to convince students of evolution.


Haeckel’s drawings are substantially fabricated.  In support of this view, I note that his oldest ‘fish’ image is made up of bits and pieces from different animals – some of them mythical.  It is not unreasonable to characterize this as ‘faking’.  Later editions of Haeckel’s drawings were somewhat more accurate… Sadly, it is the discredited 1874 drawings that are used in so many British and American biology textbooks today.

Michael K. Richardson, Science, Vol. 281, 28 Aug. 1998



Metamorphosis is sometime used to explain evolution.  Unfortunately for this theory the DNA is already there for the creature to go into its next stage of life.  A caterpillar will never spin a cocoon and grow into an elephant.  The cycle will take place over and over and it will be the same:

Egg           Larva (caterpillar)         Pupa (chrysalis)          Adult (butterfly).


Peppered Moths

Bernard Kettlewell, a MD and moth and butterfly expert became convinced that darker peppered moths were becoming more numerous because of their camouflage was better on smoke darkened tree trunks (industrial area).  Birds could not see them to eat them.  It was realized that peppered moths almost never rest on tree trunks, are active at night and spend most time on the lower side branches in shade of trees.  Early pictures are of live moths, later dead moths posing on the tree.  Since moths are active at night when placed on a tree in day that stay put.  Birds don’t seem to eat many of the anyway.  This trained birds where to find the moths.  Temperature and diet have to do with color, dark is already present but brought out.


“It doesn’t happen…David West tried it.  Cyril Clark tried it.  I tried it.  Everybody tried it.  No one gets it.”

Hooper, p. 296 quoting professor Bruce of the College of William and Mary in Virginia


Fruit flies

Many laboratory experiments were conducted to learn about the effects of mutations on evolution by studying the fruit fly.  Since scientists could choose the mutations they wanted to preserve, many hoped to see good mutations gradually lifting the fruit flies to a higher level, developing new organs, and doing other things evolution is claimed to do.  These mutations caused a wide range of defects.  Extra wings, droopy wings, etc.  All things that would be eliminated by natural selection.

Endangered species

The lack of evidence for uphill evolution is as true for new groups of animals as it is for new organs.  The environmental movement is a direct result of the fact that evolution is not producing new types of animals and plants to replace the ones that die out.  Environmentalists have a good reason to try to save the endangered species.  When they become extinct, they are gone forever.  If the theory of evolution were valid, who would care what became extinct?  For each category of plants or animals that died out, several “superior” ones would spring up to take its place.  In the real world we are left with one less.



Insular Dwarfism:

A form of phyletic dwarfism is the process and condition of the reduction in size of large animals over a number of generations when their population's range is limited to a small environment, primarily islands.


Within just a few generations the size of an animal can be reduced to one third its size.  Due to lack of room and food supply.


Darwin’s finches

Finches may have different shaped beaks within the same species. That state of affairs may also apply to other life forms. But the important thing – as stated earlier – is that these changes within a species already exist within the genes. These animals have possessed that information since they were first created. The differences in their beaks did arise as a result of information added to their genes subsequently. Finches will undergo variation to the extent that differences exist in their genes. It is impossible for beaks to assume any shape not already in finches' genes or to turn into any other organ.

All the examples that Darwinists have cited of speciation are deceptions. No finches have ever turned into an eagle or a bat, a mammal. No finch beak has ever turned into a terrestrial mammal's nose. These animals have never undergone any evolutionary change at all. It is impossible for information to be added to living things' genes in random processes and for this to bestow any advantage on an organism or develop into any new organ, and such a thing has never happened.


1. evolutionary change involving the gradual accumulation of mutations leading to new varieties within a species.

2.  minor evolutionary change observed over a

short period of time.



major evolutionary transition from one type of organism to another occurring at the level of the species and higher taxa.



Fossils representing evidence for macroevolution have not been discovered. They possess not a single transitional form fossil. According to Darwinists, there should be billions or even trillions of fossils to verify this claim. Yet 100 million fossils have so far been unearthed. They have all been closely examined, BUT NOT A SINGLE ONE IS A TRANSITIONAL FORM FOSSIL.


"As by this theory, innumerable transitional forms must have existed. Why do we not find them embedded in the crust of the earth? Why is not all nature in confusion instead of being, as we see them, well-defined species?“

—*Charles Darwin (1866), quoted in H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation, p. 139.


Incredible Creatures


Bombardier Beetle

-Chemical explosion would blow up the bug – has an asbestos like lined firing chamber – consists of many little explosions – we hear one pop which would explode the bug – it had to be sequential


Amazing Facts – beetle is the worlds strongest animal carries 850 x’s it’s weight.



Giraffe is up to 18 ft. tall, heart up o 2 ½ ft. long. – needs large heart to get blood up to brain – bends down to drink would burst brain -

Sponge in brain absorbs blood – hears predator, get up fast, run, pass out – spigots going up to brain gives one last push of blood when giraffe stands up.



Beak is stronger than other birds – notice foot is x shaped, other birds 3 in front 1 in rear – strong tail feathers act as tripod – cartilage between beak and skull absorb shock – tongue goes 10” beyond beak – barbed tongue and glue stabs bug – glue must be just right – produces solvent to dissolve glue – eyes refocus and close between every strike or eyes would pop out – European greenwood woodpecker tongue wraps up behind brain


Australian Incubator Bird

Male builds nest that must be ok’d by female – up to 18’ across and 6’ tall – 3 ½ - 4 lb bird lays each egg at ½ lb – cone shaped pores in shell – scratches to get more air – male keeps nest at 91degrees for 7 mo., cannot vary more than a degree – nest at 99% humidity – bird hatches with feathers, turns upside down & digs out of nest – takes up to 3 days to dig out – gets out knows how to eat – 1 yr. later builds nest of its own.



Bubbles come out in warm water – holes for air and waste removal – everything must be done on specific day and order – membrane on eggshell – air sack in egg – 5th day heart pumps – blood vessels grow out of chick – 2 hook into membrane, 1 for breathing, 1 expels waste – 2 more hook out so chick can eat – gets too big for shell - Egg tooth – day 19 pokes hole in air sack – now has 6hrs to breathe – blood vessels dis-attach – bird is out on day 21


Engineers study beavers – house has several entrances under water – good gases in, bad gases out & stays dry – store food in stream bottom – transparent eyelids – ear and nose flaps – fur lined flap covers throat and molars – back teeth sensitive – tales rutters  making mathematical calculations steering through water caring sticks causing drag against current

Duck-Billed Platypus

The explorer who first saw a hide of the duckbill platypus thought that it was composed of the hides of several different animals sewn together as a joke.  - eats shrimp – close eyes and nose – detects electrical impulses of shrimp – will go to battery as opposed to dead shrimp – lays eggs (anteater does too) – venomous spur on heel – secrets milk through skin not nipples


Black and Yellow Garden Spider (zipper spider)

Web 2’ across, spider 2” across – 7 kinds of webbing – non-stick to run on – sticky to catch bugs – shot sheets of webbing to roll prey – egg sack is different kind and color (tan) of webbing – 30 to 55 eggs in sack – dusts each egg (non-stick) – pushes them into sack from bottom & seals it – sometimes there for entire winter – babies shoot web streamers – up to 15,000’ in air – up to 1,500 miles away from home – molting fluid squirt on shell creates trap door – how could it know when, how, where to put this fluid?



Tufts of hair on feet – had to go to 35,000 magnification – hairs are suction cups – can stick to glass – suction must be just right


Chuckwalla lizard

Blanket of skin on back changes color, dark more heat, light less heat – will expand self in rock so predator can’t get it out – desalination process – food it eats causes it to build up salt in boy – can detour blood through desalination factory and will sneeze pure salt crystals


Sperm whale

Blue whale is the largest animal ever – tongue can be heavy as an elephant – Sperm whale dives 550’/min. – 1 atmosphere every 12’, 70’ long whale, 3 to 4 different atmospheres/pressure zones at once – should collapse whale – heart weighs up to 1 ton pumping blood – can close off certain parts of circulatory system directing pressure inside body – whale have no connection between blow hole and mouth – eat without breathing – no evidence whales were once land creatures

Pacific golden plover

Size of a dove, lives in Alaska – flies to Hawaii in winter – 88 hr non-stop flight, no land I between, 3 days 4 nights – eats a lot to gain 70 grams of burnable energy, burns 1 gram/ hr., only 70 hrs. – they don’t swim – fly in formations to break wind resistance – can lose up to 50% of weight – can’t travel a little further each year until it gets there – how do they know where Hawaii is? – side winds etc… - will land in exact same location each year.


Dragon fly

Called dragon because of strong fierce jaw – live in water 1 to 2 yrs as larvae – eats fish tadpoles etc… - when tadpole is attacked is sends signal to other tadpoles, they change color and swim fast to escape - Dragonflies have 30,00 facets in eyes – see prey 40’ away, few escape – front wings lift, rear propel – can fly backward and reverse wings instantly – wings don’t collapse because of channels.


            All of these animals must have had all of these parts and functions in place at the same time or the species would not survive.  The animals really are amazing because they simply defy the theory of evolution.  I encourage you to continue your own research into the amazing animals of this world and see how wonderfully God has created all things.

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